Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Intro Post

I've been creating some prototypes, and in a burst of inspiration by others (sedjtroll in particular), am creating this blogspot blog to mark my gaming/prototyping life. I have a LJ, but my friends/audience on that won't care so much about detailed aspects of game discussion, and this is likely a better location for this.

What games do I like? I really enjoy heavier games, longer and with more depth. This doesn't mean that I like *all* heavy games, I don't like a heavy game for the sake of it being heavy. Nor does this mean I don't like lighter games. I'm a really big fan of Pandemic and Galaxy Trucker at the moment, and enjoy games like Yspahan and Treasure Fleet as well. Usually, I get a little burned out on these games pretty quickly, however, and they fade into the distance, while the heavier games tend to stick around for a much longer duration of exploration and fascination (and other -ations).

What I tend not to enjoy are simple randomness in a longish game. If there is an element of randomness, I tend to dislike it more as the length of the game increases, or the randomness must be dealt with in an interesting/randomness reducing manner. Why would I want to play a 1.5-2 hour game where a card coming up or not means I win or lose, unless there's something more interesting behind the game itself?

You can find my BoardGameGeek user info here: http://boardgamegeek.com/user/blueatheart for Top Ten/Hot Ten/Games Played and other info.

Current prototype:

The Invasion of Trishula: This is a light wargame hybrid where three species on a distant planet have been fighting for thousands of years, evolving to respond to their enemies. It is 200 years in the future, and humans have first found the planet and then become bored with it. Only a small team of researchers remains to observe an ancient temple of unknown
origin, but great importance to the indigenous species begins to operate. Within a day, several Portals to another dimension have opened up, and this new dimension has begun spreading across the land. The humans investigate the temple, and for the first time their presence is discovered. They are revered as gods who have returned to make the temple work, and the species, while still fighting, rely upon their new gods to deal with the menacing Invaders. The small team of humans, having no way to stop the invaders, tell the indigenous species that whichever species fights against the invaders the best will receive large amount of technological knowledge from the humans. As time progresses, the species become more and more desperate in their fight against the Invaders, and their focus becomes more and more on fighting them off and working together, and less on fighting amongst each other. I'll probably upload the rules to this at some point, as I have them in PDF.


Evolution: In this game, each player controls one animal species and 2 plant species on an island. Animals have attributes such as size, speed, defense, reproduction rate, and ability to eat other species; plants have attributes such as required sun, required water, defense, seed number, seeding by wind, seeding by digestion, and size. The animals all start off on the same area, while the plants have dispersed across the island. Only the animals may make actual actions, but their actions will directly affect their attributes, as well as the attributes of other life around them. They may attempt to eat either a plant or animal species (which can increase their ability to eat that species, but also increases that species' defense levels), migrate (which will move a certain amount of animals to an adjacent space, increase their speed, but reduce their reproduction rate), or reproduce (which will increase the population of the species, but reduce their speed). Players simultaneously choose which number of their species will do what (written down on a piece of paper), then reveal. Any species which becomes separated from their fellow species members by more than one tile at the end of a turn becomes a new species. At the end of the game, animal species get differing amounts of victory points depending on if they are "king of the island," an herbivore, or something in between; plant species get VP simply for their numbers.

Perfect World: In this card game, each player is a God trying to create as perfect of a universe as possible in parallel universes. Unfortunately, the God of one universe is the Demon of every other universe. At the center of the table is the Big Bang. From this, there is a split-off that may occur - a yellow reality and a purple one (in which a galaxy forms or does not form). In chronological fashion, the next event has either a continuation of the yellow reality, a continuation of the purple reality, or a blue split-off from the yellow reality (the galaxy formed, and now a solar system is formed, whereas in yellow, the galaxy formed, but a solar system did not). Players choose from a set of cards available similarly to Ticket To Ride. They may play up to 4 cards onto their own reality instead of taking cards, or play up to 3 on someone else's reality. If choosing a new split-off, the first card of that split-off must be played (i.e., you can't switch from one reality to another without using the appropriate split-off). You have a "current reality" indicated by a sideways card. The card existing at the latest time in a parallel reality is discarded every time you take a new card or place new cards into a separate reality (so if you have a 3rd-level blue and a 4th-level yellow, but the last card played was blue, the 4th-level yellow would disappear; if this happened again, the 3rd-level yellow would disappear, leaving you with the 2nd-level yellow/blue, where the split-off occurred; from here, no more cards would disappear).

Delivery: In this economic simulation, a random amount of money (averaging $10,000,000,00 globally cumulative) is placed into 8 worldwide regions (North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East, Russia, Oceania). Each region has a corresponding wealth associated with it, as well as minimum wages, production costs, and purchasing ability (these are all the associated with the same track). No more money is ever introduced into the game. Each region also begins with a random like-dislike level of every other region, between 5 and -5. The regions will also get random properties (such as a social state or big on human rights) which will influence the way players may interact with that region. This is (hopefully) the only source of randomness in the game. Each player begins the game with 1 company in each of 3 different production industries (so 3 companies altogether). These companies are large but local companies.

At the beginning of the game, these companies gain $5,000 for themselves, and $1,000 for the owner (who begins with 0 cash). The money comes from the company's starting region, which is chosen by each player during setup.. The owner may choose to upgrade one of these companies for $5,000, at which point the company gains $10,000 for themselves, and $2,000 for the owner each turn. The player may then again upgrade another company to this level, or upgrade a company at the 10,000/2,000 level to a $15,000/$3,000 level for $15,000. This part of the game could consist of about 20 quick rounds, hopefully about 10 minutes, with players simply gaining enough cash to begin the game as well as see which companies will be begun on the global scale and act accordingly.

Once a player has enough money, they may announce one of their companies is going public. In this case, they decide to issue a certain number of shares, of the player's choice, and how much each share is worth. The player must be able to purchase at least 60% of the shares at this time, however, to maintain control over the company. The other shares await investors in a global market pool. Shares of a company may be purchased by other players or by other companies. Once a company has gone public, it must use the money generated by the player to purchase a production facility, as well as a retail facility, in any region (they can both be in the same region).

At this time, a transportation company also goes public with the same number of shares at the same price. Players and companies may purchase into the transportation company, with the player with the most shares taking control. The transportation company does nothing more than build ships between regions, to help facilitate the transfer of goods across regions (and taking a nominal fee). In any game, there can be either (# of players -1) or 3 transportation companies, whichever is lower.

Players operate the companies simply by producing goods for the production price of the region + employees' wages, transporting the goods if necessary, and selling the goods for a price near the regions' wealth, minus employees' wages for this region. Each company is also liked and disliked by each region, depending on how much these regions like or dislike the regions where your production facilities are and your retailers are. For example, in the current political realm, someone producing in Middle East and selling in North America will have more difficulty than someone producing in Europe and selling in North America. If a company is liked in a particular region, they may sell their goods for more. Each region will purchase from one industry only a certain number of times, depending on the wealth of that nation. If two companies of the same manufacturer are selling in a particular region, it is the cheapest one (adjusting for liked and disliked levels) who sells first, so they will likely sell more than the other players with higher prices.

Stock prices increase and decrease depending on how well things are producing and selling. The owning players may sell their shares after 100% of the initial offering has been purchased, and from there companies may exchange hands frequently, either by being purchased for a certain amount of money, or by hostile takeover. Companies may also issue more shares (which decreases the value but gives the company more money for expansion), or buy back shares (which increases value but depletes the company of money), but the decision may be stopped if the other stockholders have more than 50% of the stock and they agree against it.

The game ends when a player has more money (in their pockets, not the companies') than there is globally. The round finishes and whomever has the most money wins.

I host a weekly game night, Brettspiele and Bier, on Mondays. Last night, I got to play Seismic, Galaxy Trucker and Antiquity (although a dumbed-down version of it, due to everyone being pretty new).

Seismic: not a fan, just sort of boring. I wish the earthquakes acted differently, although the tension of one coming soon can be okay.

Galaxy Trucker: I'm liking this game more and more, although we're either giving ourselves too much time or we're already too good at it, as ships aren't getting too destroyed. The game needs 4 players to really shine, and 2 is "too easy," 3 is a little harder but still difficult - it has a similar correlation to Pandemic in terms of difficulty by # of players. I want to try the Rough Road Ahead cards, as they have some really fun sounding variants.

Antiquity: It's been a long time since that first game 2 years ago, but I remember that very well. It made a large impression on me (and took 7 hours, due to incapable players), and while you get brain-burnt by the end of it, I really enjoy it. The game was likely unbalanced/too easy without the famine and pollution phases (and only took 2 hours). One of the things I enjoy most about this game is that you are subtly conflicting with the game more than with each other, and this doesn't happen with those phases removed. Looking forward to playing it again properly soon - this will probably become one of my favorite games again, although I do also get annoyed at the fiddly-ness of it at times.

So, that's enough for now. I'll post more about current games being played and developments with these games later(it seems like I'm coming up with new ideas for games about once a month, before another game is even fleshed out enough for a prototype). I'm hoping this also kicks my ass into gear to be more active on BGDF, and get support from that group.

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